Status Widget
code by @benjae
we didnt make a platform on nekoweb for nothing! have a little status on your website!
first, add the html for ya status
<div id="nekocafe-status"></div>
now then add this script somewhere, whether it be in a script tag or javascript file
const username = "cafe"; // change the username!!!
const posts_url = "";
const profile_url = "";
const post_url = "";
// thanks max
(async () => {
try {
const request = await fetch(posts_url + username,);
let json = await request.json();
json = json[0]
timestamp = json["timestamp"] * 1000
time = new Date(timestamp).toUTCString();
div = document.getElementById("nekocafe-status")
div.innerHTML = `
<img id="nekocafe-pfp" src=${json["image"]} height=64">
<p id="nekocafe-poster"><a href="${profile_url + username}">${json["name"]}</a></p>
<p id="nekocafe-text"><a href="${post_url + json["id"]}">${json["post"]}</a></p>
<p id="nekocafe-time">${time}</p>
` // make sure the height on the img fits your page!!!
} catch (error) {
make sure to edit the username variable
and you're done! as shrimple as that. you can edit whatever you want :P